The bold investments made by both Sunshine Coast Council and the private sector into the evolution of Maroochydore are heralding the Smart City which continues to win International Awards of recognition.
As the fastest growing Region in Australia the infrastructure projects are both massive and impressive.
Image: Sunshine Coast Major Projects Map, Courtesy of the Sunshine Coast City Council
What does this rate of development mean for the Coast’s older and established buildings? Often referred to as ‘Dumb’ buildings on the fringe of the Smart City there are hundreds of apartments, resorts and hotels without high speed broadband and true fibre connections. Instead, old copper wiring prevails, even over the NBN footprint. This means tenants, residents and tourist visitors experience the sort of internet performance that has contributed to Australia falling down to 68th in the World Ranking for Broadband performance in December 2019. [hyperlink].
That’s right. Australia is on par with Peru and Madagascar
Legion’s new 10G network is changing that. Maroochydore Apartment buildings can now experience 1Gbps ‘up’ and 1 Gbps ‘down’ and enjoy using their existing internal wiring (often 10 times the capacity of NBN connections).
Legion’s 10G network is designed to run to the premise and interconnect with existing wiring, saving the need for huge upgrade costs. Yes, your existing internal wiring can share this connection. For Body Corporate Managers that’s a great return on investment.
Say Good Bye to internet drop outs, congestion and slow load times.
Skilled Body Corporate entities and their Residential (on-site) Managers are using the internet connection to enable world class access for guests and residents.
Peter Henderson of Sand Dunes Resort explains that over the last 5 years, internet data use has increased from less than 1 Terabyte per month to, in December 2019, more than 8 Terabytes.
In addition, with a typical family bringing an average of 4 devices and up to ten devices, the demand on performance is ever increasing.
“Legion’s new approach will enable us to remain a “Smart Resort” at a time when pressure is to reduce spending and yet retain property value and guest satisfaction.” said Henderson.
Smart Resorts
Legion is delivering Fibre as well as Voice over the Internet to also improve call quality, enable digital telephony and drive down costs. Furthermore the technology will assist with elevator management, security monitoring and property surveillance.
Legion has launched Free Property Audits during February and March 2020 and will be conducted by fully qualified engineers who also operate ACMA compliant technology. Connect with us using the form below.